Professor Luke Moffett
Queen’s University Belfast

Professor Luke Moffett is an expert on reparations, human rights law, international humanitarian law and transitional justice. His research interests are in the role of reparations in addressing past violations, the role of law in adjudicating on armed conflict and the construction of victims’ rights in domestic and international processes. His PhD examined the role of victims within the International Criminal Court and their ability to participate and claim reparations. His book ‘Justice for Victims before the International Criminal Court’ is published by Routledge (2014). His latest monograph with OUP ‘Reparations and War’ consolidates his work on reparations and armed conflict over the past decade. He is also co-editor of the Elgar Research Handbook on Transitional Justice with Dr Cheryl Lawther, the second edition was published in August 2023.
Luke joined the School of Law at Queen’s University Belfast as a lecturer in September 2013. He had previously worked as a research fellow on the Arts and Humanities Research Council funded project ‘Amnesties, Prosecution and the Public Interest in the Northern Ireland Transition’ led by Professor Kieran McEvoy. He was the Principal Investigator on the Arts and Humanities Research Council ‘Reparations, Responsibility and Victimhood in Transitional Societies’ project and has been co-investigator on a number of other research projects.
Luke sits on the editorial board of the Journal of International Criminal Justice and the International Journal of Human Rights. He is a member of the AHRC peer review college.