Rae Lindsay

Rae Lindsay Clifford Chance LLP Developing accountability in business and human rights (afternoon panels session, day 1) Rae Lindsay is a partner in the Litigation & Dispute Resolution practice at Clifford Chance LLP.  She co-heads the firm’s public...

Alison Macdonald QC

Alison Macdonald QCMatrix ChambersAiding and assisting – the parameters of state responsibility (afternoon panels session, day 2) Alison Macdonald QC is a barrister at Matrix Chambers, specialising in public international law, investment arbitration, human rights and...

Sir Iain Macleod KCMG

Sir Iain Macleod KCMGForeign and Commonwealth OfficeEngaging with International Law (plenary session, day 1) Iain Macleod was admitted as a solicitor in 1987 and since then has held positions in a number of Government departments. At the Foreign and Commonwealth...

Sarah Macrory

Sarah Macrory Foreign & Commonwealth Office Developing accountability in business and human rights (afternoon panels session, day 1) Sarah Macrory is an Assistant Legal Adviser at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, where she advises on a range of international...

Nemanja Malisevic

Nemanja (Neno) Malisevic Microsoft International law and cyber security: can the law keep pace with technological change? (morning panels session, day 2) Nemanja Malisevic joined Microsoft in 2014. Until the Spring of 2018 he led the work of the Digital Diplomacy Team...