Karim A. A. Khan KC

Karim A. A. Khan KC The International Criminal Court (ICC) Karim A. A. Khan KC, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) with extensive experience as prosecutor, victim’s counsel and defence lawyer in domestic and international criminal tribunals,...

Sally Langrish

Sally Langrish Legal Adviser & Director General Legal, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office Sally Langrish, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office Legal Adviser & Director General Legal. Sally has worked on a wide range of international and...

Belinda McRae

Belinda McRae Barrister, Twenty Essex Belinda has developed a busy and wide-ranging practice, focusing on public international law, civil fraud and complex contract disputes, jurisdiction challenges (including relating to Brexit), and all aspects of international...

Angela Mudukuti

Angela Mudukuti Legal Director at the Clooney Foundation for Justice, Waging Justice for Women Initiative Angela Mudukuti is the Legal Director at the Clooney Foundation for Justice’s Waging Justice for Women initiative. She is a Zimbabwean human rights lawyer,...

Helen Mulvein OBE

Helen Mulvein OBE Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office Helen Mulvein OBE has been a legal adviser at the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office since 2000, following several years as a barrister in private practice. She has advised a wide range...