2024 Programme

Please note speakers are still being confirmed and the programme is subject to change.

Thursday 17 October: Day 1

08.45-09.30 Registration, networking and exhibition

11.00-11.30 Refreshment break

11.30-13.00   Panels

PANEL 2: Investor-State Disputes

The panel will examine the latest hot topics and recent developments, including the developing jurisprudence on ISDS and enforcement before domestic courts (including assertions of State immunity), the failure to address signals of corruption, the interplay with non-treaty standards including those applicable to protection of the environment, and the latest views on the limits on the scope of States for non-discriminatory regulation in face of (e.g.) climate change.

Chair: Professor Mavluda Sattorova, Professor of International Economic Law (Trade and Investment) Law, University of Liverpool 


PANEL 3: Accounting for war

Despite the UN Charter’s stated aim to save ’succeeding generations from the scourge of war’, recent years have witnessed renewed and increased armed conflict. As part of their response, domestic and international actors alike have emphasised the legal accountability of those responsible for injuries and are taking steps to ensure such accountability, including through preparing for future implementation (e.g. through a register of damages). Such efforts have evolved beyond the traditional paradigm of (diplomatically agreed) inter-State reparations. Today’s picture is both more complex and in flux, partly due to evolution in the reach of human rights and (international) criminal law. For example, even while hostilities are still ongoing, the preparation for future reparations begins; there is development in the obligations of non-state actors beyond traditional IHL; and the very scope of compensation for unlawful use of force is a matter of debate. This panel will discuss the evolution and enforcement of accountability, both during and after the end of armed conflict, including through reparations, as well as the increasing role of human rights and recourse to international dispute settlement mechanisms.

Chair: Professor Pierre d’Argent, Full Professor of Public International Law, University of Louvain (UCL); Special Counsel, Foley Hoag


PANEL 4: The Colonial Legacy of International Law

Many States are revisiting their colonial legacies and the question of redress and reparation for colonial violence and theft of colonial artefacts. Whilst many States are willing to accept moral responsibility for such matters, they question the relevance of international law to the determination of these issues, including because of the obstacles created by the intertemporal rule and the rigorous requirements of the law of State responsibility. This raises questions about the extent to which international law is fit for purpose. There are equally important questions regarding the legacy of colonialism on international law-making for institutions like the ILC and the ICJ and its impact on their ability to develop the law to address these challenges effectively, such as the inequality of representation between the Global North and South. This panel will examine the legacy of colonialism on international law and litigation, and consider ways to mitigate, rather than perpetuate, colonial injustice in international law. In doing so, the panel will address the role of strategic litigation and offer insights on the likely development of international law to meet the challenges of colonialism.

Chair: Professor Antonios Tzanakopoulos, Professor of Public International Law, University of Oxford


13.00-14.00 Lunch break

13.00–13.40   Lunchtime panel discussion

Careers in international law

Join us for an insightful lunchtime panel discussion that delves into the world of careers in international law.

Our distinguished panel features seasoned international lawyers whose expertise spans across all sectors at the highest levels of their respective fields. It will feature representatives who have worked or are currently practising within academia, the Bar, law firms, government, international courts and tribunals, and various agencies in the United Nations and other international organisations.

During the session, our panellists will share their personal career trajectories, shedding light on the diverse pathways that led them to their current roles. They will discuss the essential skills, qualifications, and competencies that aspiring international lawyers must cultivate to succeed in this arena.

The conversation will highlight where future opportunities might emerge as geopolitical landscapes shift and new legal challenges arise. Attendees will gain valuable insights into how to position themselves to take advantage of these upcoming prospects.

Whether you are a law student, a practicing lawyer considering a shift to international law, or simply interested in the field, this panel will provide you with the knowledge and inspiration to navigate a career in international law.

Chair: Shehzad Charania MBE, Director of Legal Affairs, Mission Policy and International Relations, GCHQ


14.00-15.30   Panels

PANEL 6: Taxation

This session will consider the increasing trend towards multilateralization of international taxation, particularly through the OECD, the drivers behind this and the challenges that it poses including the need to ensure fairness, and to strike the right balance between States’ sovereign rights to raise taxation and protecting businesses from arbitrary or discriminatory tax practices. The multilateralization of taxation is also bringing into relief the intersection of taxation with other areas of international economic law especially international investment and trade law. The session will look at how this is developing and present a number of different perspectives on the key issues raised before considering what the future direction of travel might be.

Chair: Rt Hon Lady Arden of Heswall DBE, Former Justice Supreme Court of the United Kingdom


PANEL 7: Sanctions: Is it really 'the West versus the Rest’?

Sanctions are an important tool for enforcing international standards. They are used frequently in a variety of fields: from traditional areas of inter-State relations, to the world of sports and commerce. At the same time, sanctions have often been criticised as an instrument of the ‘Global North’ (or the ‘West’) to be used mainly against the ‘Global South’ (or ‘the rest’): the UN Human Rights Council has recently highlighted “the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights”. This panel will explore the current sanctions practice of States and other international actors and test the popular (but perhaps simplistic) assumption that they are a tool of the Global North. To do so, the panel will include perspectives from different geographical regions and fields.

Chair: Dr Federica Paddeu, Associate Professor & Derek Bowett Fellow in Law, Queen’s College, University of Cambridge


PANEL 8: Current issues in Law of the Sea

For decades, deep seabed mining has been hailed as ‘the next frontier‘ in resource exploitation — but also prompted major concerns. Work on the International Seabed Authority (ISA)‘s ‘mining code‘, intended to provide a comprehensive set of rules, regulations and procedures to regulate prospecting, exploration and exploitation of marine minerals, has heightened tension: well over 20 governments, as well as NGOs and scientists, have called for a moratorium or a precautionary pause on deep sea mining. At the same time, industry experts anticipate a ‘commercial breakthrough’ or even predict a ‘new gold rush‘.

Against this backdrop, the 2024 London Conference of International Law will bring together experts from practice and academia to take stock of developments and assess the role of international law and institutions in relation to deep seabed mining.

Chair: Professor Sir Malcolm Evans, Principal, Regent’s Park College, University of Oxford


15.30-16.00 Refreshment break

17:00 Close of Day 1

17.00-19.00   Welcome Drinks Reception – all delegates welcome
Location: The Pickwick Suite, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London, SW1P 3EE

19.30   Conference Dinner (For delegates who have added this option to their registration package – limited availability)
Location: Great Hall, One Great George Street, London SW1P 3AA

Friday 18 October: Day 2

08:30-09.00 Networking and exhibition

11.00-11.30 Refreshment break

11.30-13.00   Panels

PANEL 9: International Settlement of Disputes

In a year where the cases before the ICJ are attracting more attention than ever before, the panel will examine the means by which disputes are being brought before international courts and tribunals, and whether the criteria determining access to jurisdiction require revision. Issues will include whether the thresholds for provisional measures should be re-visited, what are the limits on claims in relation to obligations owed erga omnes, and in circumstances where there is ever greater recourse to advisory opinion jurisdiction, what can be done to make more manageable the advisory process – from formulating a workable question, to ensuring a fair opportunity to respond to the views of other States (and participants), to ensuring that oral submissions are detailed, specific and not merely repetitive.

Chair: Professor Vaughan Lowe KC, Barrister, Essex Court Chambers


PANEL 10 : Activities of Multinational Corporations under International Law

This panel will explore the ways in which multinational corporations interact with, can become subject to or enjoy rights under international law. Among other things, it will consider the growing importance of ESG from an international law perspective, international human rights, activities in unrecognised territories and in times of conflict.”

Chair: Adrian Roberts, Legal Director (International Trade), Government Legal Department


PANEL 11: International migration and refugee law

In this bumper year of elections with half the world’s population heading to the polls, migration remains a high priority for states and electorates worldwide.

International law and international human rights law have long established standards for the protection of refugees and asylum seekers. However, the system is under strain. Despite increasing recognition of the borderless and inter-connected challenges of conflict, climate change, and migration, recent years have seen many governments strongly pushing back on the movement of persons, with potential human rights consequences in terms of forced returns or refoulement.

Who are the guardians of international refugee and asylum law? Can the current system continue and is it fit for purpose? What, if anything, needs to change? Are solutions to be found in the courtroom, or elsewhere? What is the role of international lawyers in these wider world discussions?

This panel will discuss the role of the courts, the international legal community and other actors in addressing these issues.

Chair: Rashmin Sagoo, Director – International Law Programme, The Royal Institute of International Affairs Chatham House


PANEL 12: Old and New: Changing technologies in warfare and international humanitarian law

New technologies have given rise to new weaponry, including the use of armed drones, electronic warfare systems, autonomous weapons systems and human enhancement. These have shifted tactics employed on the battlefield, although conventional heavy weapons and trench warfare are far from disappearing. How do advancements in weaponry and tactics intersect with the existing rules and principles of international humanitarian law? What are the complexities of regulating cutting-edge weaponry within the existing paradigm, and what are the obligations of states, armed groups and corporate actors associated with designing, manufacturing, exporting and using these technologies? In the 75th anniversary year of the Geneva Conventions, this panel will explore the implications of new technologies in warfare for international humanitarian law, strategic considerations and humanitarian impacts. Can the existing legal frameworks cope with these changing technologies, or are new rules needed?

Chair: Andrew Murdoch, Legal Director, FCDO


13.00-14.00 Lunch break

14.00-15.30   Panels

PANEL 13: International Law and Domestic Courts: Human Rights and Customary International Law

The domestic protection of human rights in the UK has been closely linked with international instruments, but now is in a state of flux: the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights ceased to apply, the domestic incorporation of the ECHR is debated, and international obligations are challenged. At the same time, enforcement of international law in domestic courts has come to the forefront in the context of ensuring accountability for the Russian aggression against Ukraine.  

The panel will discuss recent developments, tensions and trends concerning the interaction of international law and domestic law in UK courts, focusing on litigation concerning the UK’s obligations under international human rights law and customary international law. The panellists will give us their diverse perspectives on the deployment and development of these obligations, drawing on recent high-profile cases in the UK and other jurisdictions.

Chair: Joanne Clement KC, Barrister, 11 King’s Bench Walk


PANEL 14: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is transforming the global landscape at an unprecedented pace, raising critical questions for international law, governance, and national security. This panel will explore the legal challenges and opportunities presented by AI, with a focus on disinformation, cybersecurity, and the frameworks of international governance.

It will examine the issues surrounding AI-enabled disinformation and discuss the implications for democratic institutions, public trust, and the integrity of the international legal order. The panel will also examine the cybersecurity threats that AI poses, from automated cyber attacksto the use of AI in defending against and responding to cyber incidents. Speakers will consider the role of international law in establishing norms and regulations for state and non-state actors in cyberspace, and the collaborative efforts needed to protect critical infrastructure and maintain international peace and security. Finally, the session will address the broader aspects of international governance in the age of AI, including the ethical use of AI, the accountability of AI systems, and the potential for AI to both support and challenge existing international legal structures.

Chair: Emily Taylor, CEO, Oxford Information Labs


PANEL 15: Energy Security

While energy security is necessary to ensure continued energy resources at an affordable price, it is continuously threatened by several factors, including the need to address climate change by reducing fossil fuel dependence, but also by geopolitical instability. Against the tensions brought by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in the backdrop, the Nord Stream pipelines transporting gas under the Baltic Sea were ruptured in the Swedish and Danish exclusive economic zones in 2022, a few weeks after Russia suspended gas flow in one of the pipelines. And with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the oil trade has been increasingly diverted via the Suez Canal. However, since the end of last year, Houthis attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea have in turn also impacted the global oil trade, with several shipping companies now seeking to avoid this trading route.

This panel of experts will consider the many legal issues raised by such attacks on energy infrastructures and trading routes, such as the legal nature of acts of sabotage on pipelines, the legality of armed responses to attacks on trading routes at sea and the question of self-defence. Panelists will further consider whether international law is currently fit to address those threats to energy security and, if not, how could the framework be strengthened.

Chair: Helen Mulvein OBE, Legal Counsellor, Deputy Director, Ocean and Overseas Territories Team, FCDO Legal Directorate


PANEL 16: Space law

Space is one of the most rapidly developing areas of technology and innovation. Nearly every aspect of our modern information-society relies on space-based technology: from communications and navigation to monitoring weather, natural resources and conflict. Looking ahead, space tourism and is rapidly becoming a reality while space mining is again being mooted as providing solutions to diminishing terrestrial resources.

It is also an area of great vulnerability. States are increasingly recognising the strategic importance of space in times of peace, competition and conflict. This year alone, cardinal prohibitions against placing nuclear weapons in space have been put to the test, the UN Security Council held its first-ever debate on space security and the role of space in modern warfare is being discussed on the morning news cycles.

The existing body of international space law, including the Outer Space Treaty, lays down the foundations for the use and exploration of space. However, the exponential growth in our use of and reliance on space requires further coordinated international action in developing norms to address new challenges. This Panel will discuss the ways in which the international community makes new rules against the backdrop of a challenging geopolitical climate and how it tackles the issues of governance, security and resources.

Chair: Paul Berman, Legal Director, FCDO


15.30-16.00 Refreshment break

17:15 Close of Day 2

Refreshments will be provided at points throughout the conference. Lunch will be served between 13:00 and 14:00 on both days of the conference and is included in the delegate fee.